Which Sports Get the Most Injuries?

Which Sports Get the Most Injuries?

Injuries are part and parcel of sports, but some sports are more prone to injuries than others. Knowing which sports have the highest injury rates can help you make informed decisions when it comes to choosing a sport for yourself or your kids.

In this post, we will explore which sports have the highest injury rates and what safety measures should be taken to ensure that athletes stay safe while playing their chosen sport. 

Sport 1: Football

Football has long been considered one of the most dangerous contact sports, with numerous reports of traumatic brain injuries and other serious physical injuries. Football players are particularly prone to ankle sprains, knee sprains, and shoulder dislocations due to the nature of the game.

To reduce the risk of injury, football players must wear proper protective gear, such as helmets and padding, and ensure they warm up properly before every game or practice session. 

Sport 2: Basketball

The most common basketball-related injuries include sprains, strains, and fractures due to overuse or contact with other players during play. Wearing proper shoes, stretching before playing, and following the proper technique when jumping can help prevent these types of injuries. Also, take breaks if you start feeling pain or discomfort in any part of your body while playing basketball—it could indicate something is wrong.

Sport 3: Soccer

Soccer is another popular sport that can lead to numerous serious injuries if not practiced safely. With common types being ankle sprains, shin splints, ACL tears, hip flexor strains, and back pain.

To reduce these risks, soccer players should always warm up properly before games or practices with dynamic stretching exercises tailored specifically for soccer players. Wearing shin guards is also highly recommended when playing soccer at any level. 

Sport 4: Rugby

Rugby is a physically demanding sport that can lead to injuries. The most common injuries include cuts and bruises, sprains and strains, and fractures. While these are usually not serious, they can be painful and cause missed playing time. More serious issues can also occur, such as concussions, ligament tears, and bone breaks.

In order to prevent these, it is important to wear the proper equipment and follow the rules of the game. Wearing mouthguards, pads, and other protective gear can help to reduce the risk of injury. Playing by the rules and being aware of the risks can also help prevent getting hurt.

Sport 5: Baseball/Softball

Baseball and softball may not seem like contact sports, but they can still be quite dangerous in terms of potential injuries. Rotator cuff tears are particularly common in baseball pitchers due to overuse or improper mechanics, while ankle sprains can occur when running around bases or sliding into home plate. Concussions also occur quite often in both baseball and softball due to batted balls or collisions at home plate.

Sport 6: Wrestling

Wrestling is an incredibly physically demanding sport that can put a great strain on the body and often results in injuries. Wrestlers must be highly conditioned athletes capable of enduring intense physical punishment from their opponents.

The sport contains many moves, such as arm bars and holds, with the intent of taking down or pinning an opponent to the mat, which makes it likely for participants to get injured. Common wrestling injuries range from bruises and strains to broken bones and wrist injuries and potential concussion risks.

Sport 7: Boxing

Although boxing isn’t nearly as popular as it once was, it still gets its fair share of injuries. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that amateur boxers suffer more head injuries than any other combat sport athlete, including MMA fighters and kickboxers.

However, their overall injury rate is lower than that of wrestlers due to their shorter matches (typically three rounds instead of six). The most common type of injury for boxers is facial cuts and lacerations, followed by concussions and contusions on the upper body and head area.

Sport 8: Lacrosse

In lacrosse, injuries are most commonly caused by collisions with other players or by contact with sticks and other equipment. The most common lacrosse injuries include concussions, fractures, sprains, strains, contusions, dislocations, and ligament tears.

According to a study published in the Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, about 15% of all lacrosse injuries involve a player’s head. It is also estimated that around 4 out of 10 lacrosse players will experience some type of injury each season.

Sport 9: Hockey

Hockey can be an especially dangerous sport due to its high-impact nature. Common hockey injuries include sprains, strains, fractures, concussions, shoulder dislocations, facial lacerations, broken bones, and muscle tears.

Furthermore, the risk of concussion is much higher in men’s ice hockey than in any other sport due to the physical contact between players while on skates.

Warm Up & Cool Down Thoroughly

One of the most important things you can do to prevent injury is to make sure that you warm up and cool down effectively before and after playing a sport. Warming up helps your body prepare for physical activity by loosening up your muscles and joints, increasing your range of motion, and helping your body adjust to the intensity of the game.

Cooling down after a game is important so that your muscles don’t become stiff or tight from all the physical activity. A proper warm-up and cool-down routine should include stretching exercises as well as light cardio work like jogging or walking.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for preventing dehydration and fatigue, which can lead to injury. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after playing sports so that your body has enough fluids to stay alert, energized, and functioning properly throughout the game.

Drinking water will also help prevent cramping, which can lead to muscle strains or other types of injuries if not addressed properly.

Know Your Limits

It’s important to know your limits when it comes to playing sports so that you don’t injure yourself by pushing yourself too hard. This is especially true if you’re new to the sport or just getting back into shape after a period of inactivity.

Start with low-intensity activities until you build up your strength and endurance, then gradually increase the difficulty level as needed. Know when it’s time to take a break if you’re feeling tired or sore so that you don’t push yourself beyond what your body can handle at any given time.


While it’s impossible to completely eliminate injuries from any sport, understanding which ones carry higher risks can help you make more informed decisions about which activities are right for you or your family members.

Whether it’s football, basketball, soccer—or any other activity—the best way to monitor yourself for signs of fatigue or pain that could indicate an impending injury.

Taking these measures into account when engaging in physical activities can significantly reduce your chances of suffering from serious injury while playing any sport.

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