What Is The Game Of Bocce Ball?

What Is Bocce Ball? 

Bocce ball is a centuries-old outdoor game similar to bowling that two or more players can play. It is played with eight large balls (called bocce balls) and one smaller target ball (called the Pallino).

The goal of the game is to throw your bocce balls as close as possible to the Pallino. The team or player who gets their balls closest to the Pallino earns points until someone reaches a predetermined winning score.

How To Play Bocce Ball 

To begin, each team selects four balls—typically two solid-colored balls, which are called “big” and “small,” and two striped-colored balls, which are called “targets”—and agrees on a starting side of the court. 

After deciding who will go first, that player throws out the Pallino into an open area on the court. They then throw their big bocce ball as close as they can to where they think it should land by rolling it, throwing it underarm, or making an overhand toss. 

The second team then throws their big bocce ball from their side of the court toward where theirs should land near the Pallino. This process continues until all eight bocce balls have been thrown onto the court. 

At this point, points are awarded for how close each team got their respective bocce balls compared to where everyone else landed theirs in relation to where the Pallino ended up at rest. 

Rules Of Bocce

The rules may vary depending on how many teams are playing but generally follow these guidelines for determining points scored during each round: 

• 1 point if your team’s biggest ball (the “big”) is closest in proximity to where the Pallino rests after all 8 bocce balls have been thrown.

• 1 point per additional target (the “targets”) that your team has closer than any other teams.

• 1 point per additional big that your team has closer than any other teams.

• 1 bonus point if you have all four of your target and/or big balls closest to any other teams combined. 

• 2 bonus points if you have all 8 total balls closer than any other teams combined. 

Origins Of Bocce Ball

The game of bocce ball is thought to have originated in ancient Egypt or Greece. The exact origins are unknown, but the game was mentioned in several ancient texts.

The game was originally played with a wooden ball and metal pins, but it was later changed to using a wooden ball and metal balls. It became popular in Italy in the 14th century, and the rules were standardized in the 16th century. It is now a popular recreational sport all over the world.

Is Bocce Ball an Olympic Sport?

Bocce ball is not an Olympic sport. It was a demonstration sport at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. There has been some discussion of making it an official sport, but it has not yet been added to the Olympic sports list. I will also add that it is part of the Special Olympics and is very popular.

Why You Should Play Bocce Ball

Great Way To Stay Active: The game requires players to walk, run, and throw the balls, making it a great exercise form. Playing bocce can help you stay fit and healthy.

Lots of Fun To Play: The game is easy to learn and can be very competitive. Whether you are playing against friends or family, bocce is a great way to have a good time.

It’s a Versatile Game: It can be played almost anywhere, including on a beach or backyard. You can also play bocce indoors if you have enough space.

Great Way To Meet New People: Playing bocce is a great way to make new friends and socialize. The game is popular among all ages and can be enjoyed by anyone.

It’s a Competitive Game: There are different levels of competition, from casual games with friends to more serious tournaments. If you are looking for a challenge, this is the perfect game.


No matter what level you choose to play at—whether casually with friends or competitively—bocce ball can provide hours of entertainment and fun! With its easy learning curve and deep set of rules for serious competition, there’s something for everyone when it comes to playing this classic outdoor game. 

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