Is Poker Considered a Sport?

When it comes to the question of whether poker is a sport, opinions are divided. On the one hand, some argue that poker is not a sport because it does not involve physicality like traditional sports. On the other hand, others claim that poker takes skill and strategy and should be considered a sport. Let’s … Read more

Why You Should Play a Niche Sport

If you’re looking for something to do that’s both exciting and rewarding, then why consider playing a niche sport? Niche sports are lesser known than mainstream activities but offer plenty of benefits. From improving your physical and mental health to building strong relationships with like-minded people, participating in a niche sport can be an incredibly … Read more

Are eSports Considered Real Sports?

The world of eSports is growing at a rapid pace, and with it comes the debate over whether or not these digital competitions can be considered actual sports. On one hand, professional gaming requires many of the same skills as traditional sports: strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and teamwork. While on the other hand, some argue … Read more

Is Hunting Considered a Sport?

Hunters are often referred to as “sportsmen,” which has probably become commonplace in fishing. At the most basic level, fishing meets the definition of a relaxing diversion away from everyday life. Also known as “sportfishing,” it qualifies as competition due to tournaments and has some physicality at the highest level, meeting the criteria of a sport. … Read more

Is NASCAR Considered a Sport?

For years, there has been a debate about whether or not NASCAR is a sport. Some people believe that it is just a bunch of drivers driving around in circles and that it is not really that challenging. However, others argue that it is a very difficult and demanding sport that takes a lot of … Read more

Is Bowling Considered A Sport?

This question has been an ongoing debate for many years. On the one hand, some view bowling as a leisurely activity, while others indicate the game is an excellent example of mental focus and athleticism. In fact, you can make compelling arguments both ways. For example, go to your local bowling alley on a weekend afternoon … Read more

Is Fishing Considered a Sport?

Many respond with baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and other team sports when people think about sports. After that, you may hear answers such as tennis, wrestling, and golf. But when people bring up the question of fishing being a sport or a hobby, many debates ensue, particularly when people consider fishing just a leisure … Read more

Is Marching Band Considered a Sport?

What is a sport? By definition, a sport is “an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.” An alternative definition adds that “an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” When the typical person thinks of sports, or the term ‘sport,’ they think of basketball, football, … Read more

Importance Of Women In Sports

Throughout history and across cultures, it is easy to see that women have been dealt a worse hand than men in various ways. From their roles to their participation in social activities, the traditional norm has had them playing second fiddle. But like all things, especially on negative aspects such as this, they are set … Read more

Is Ballet Considered a Sport?

Since its inception, Ballet has been considered a dance, and there was a time that Ballet was not available to all people. In the modern era, you can find a ballet class nearly everywhere. Since one can get an excellent cardiovascular workout through dancing, and Ballet is a dance, is it considered a sport? Let’s … Read more