Should I Quit My Sport Senior Year?

The Decision to Quit Your Sport Senior Year It’s your senior year of high school. You’ve been playing the sport you love for years, and you’re finally starting to see some real success. But then, something happens that makes you question whether or not you want to continue playing. Maybe an injury forces you to miss part … Read more

When Are Sports Drinks Appropriate For Hydration?

It’s a common question among athletes: should you drink water or sports drinks during competitions or workouts? Both have their benefits, but it depends on the situation. Water is essential for all bodily functions, and it’s necessary to stay hydrated during exercise. Sports drinks can also be beneficial, as they often contain electrolytes and other nutrients … Read more

Should You Share Sports Achievements On LinkedIn?

Sharing Your Sports Achievements On LinkedIn Sharing your sporting achievements on LinkedIn can be a great way to show off your skills and connect with other professionals in your field. However, discretion is essential when sharing such information, as not everyone will be interested in hearing about your exploits.  Let’s discuss some pros and cons of whether … Read more

Is Roller Skating Considered a Sport?

What Is Roller Skating? Roller skating is a recreational and competitive activity wherein participants roller skates with the use of specific types of shoes with four roller wheels in two rows placed on the bottom. Roller skates come in both quad style – that looks similar to regular shoes- as well as inline skates. Inline … Read more

Why You Should Play a Niche Sport

If you’re looking for something to do that’s both exciting and rewarding, then why consider playing a niche sport? Niche sports are lesser known than mainstream activities but offer plenty of benefits. From improving your physical and mental health to building strong relationships with like-minded people, participating in a niche sport can be an incredibly … Read more

Is Marching Band Considered a Sport?

What is a sport? By definition, a sport is “an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.” An alternative definition adds that “an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” When the typical person thinks of sports, or the term ‘sport,’ they think of basketball, football, … Read more

Importance Of Women In Sports

Throughout history and across cultures, it is easy to see that women have been dealt a worse hand than men in various ways. From their roles to their participation in social activities, the traditional norm has had them playing second fiddle. But like all things, especially on negative aspects such as this, they are set … Read more

Most Valuable Sports Teams In 2023

It’s hard to ignore the big bucks that teams can pull in. Some teams are worth more than others, with billion-dollar TV contracts, lucrative sponsorships, and high-priced players. So which ones are at the top of the list? In this post, we’ll take a look at the most valuable sports teams in the world. 8. … Read more

Which Sports Get the Most Injuries?

Which Sports Get the Most Injuries? Injuries are part and parcel of sports, but some sports are more prone to injuries than others. Knowing which sports have the highest injury rates can help you make informed decisions when it comes to choosing a sport for yourself or your kids. In this post, we will explore … Read more

Overwork and Fatigue in Sports

Overview Almost any athlete can tell you about the importance of rest and how crucial it is to take care of your body. Yet many athletes push themselves too hard, often leading to overwork and fatigue in the sports they play. While there are times when pushing through the pain is necessary, learning how to … Read more