Is NASCAR Considered a Sport?

For years, there has been a debate about whether or not NASCAR is a sport. Some people believe that it is just a bunch of drivers driving around in circles and that it is not really that challenging. However, others argue that it is a very difficult and demanding sport that takes a lot of … Read more

Is Bowling Considered A Sport?

This question has been an ongoing debate for many years. On the one hand, some view bowling as a leisurely activity, while others indicate the game is an excellent example of mental focus and athleticism. In fact, you can make compelling arguments both ways. For example, go to your local bowling alley on a weekend afternoon … Read more

Is Fishing Considered a Sport?

Many respond with baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and other team sports when people think about sports. After that, you may hear answers such as tennis, wrestling, and golf. But when people bring up the question of fishing being a sport or a hobby, many debates ensue, particularly when people consider fishing just a leisure … Read more

Is Ballet Considered a Sport?

Since its inception, Ballet has been considered a dance, and there was a time that Ballet was not available to all people. In the modern era, you can find a ballet class nearly everywhere. Since one can get an excellent cardiovascular workout through dancing, and Ballet is a dance, is it considered a sport? Let’s … Read more

Is Karate a Sport? A Deeper Look

Origins Karate originated in Japan and was introduced to the region by Gichin Funakoshi in 1922. It was designed as a method of combat when weapons were not available. In essence, it was introduced as a way of self-defense and not a sport. This form of martial arts, along with others known in the far east, is based on … Read more

Is Gymnastics Considered a Sport?

Diving back into the history of gymnastics, you will find it was an athletic competition in the early days of Greece. Shortly thereafter, the Romans used gymnastics as a way to train their military. Later, the Germans developed and introduced equipment that would evolve into the modern equipment used by gymnasts today. There have been … Read more

Is Cheerleading Considered a Sport?

In the most recent eras, cheerleading has become more than just cheering on a team every game.  There are now competitions, including those at the national level. The question is then whether or not cheerleading is considered a sport. Answers will vary depending on who you ask, and the responses will likely cause a fiery debate. … Read more

Countries Saying No To The Olympics?

The Olympic Games are a time-honored tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks. Countries worldwide compete every four years to host the games with the hope of bringing glory and tourism dollars to their shores. But not every country is eager to host the Olympics. For various reasons, some have withdrawn their bids or refused to host … Read more

Popular Sports In The United Kingdom

Popular Sports In The United Kingdom There are a number of popular sports in the United Kingdom, with many people participating in one or more activities. Football is the most popular sport in the country, with millions of people playing the game at all levels. Other popular sports include rugby, cricket, golf, tennis, and athletics. There is … Read more