Are eSports Considered Real Sports?

The world of eSports is growing at a rapid pace, and with it comes the debate over whether or not these digital competitions can be considered actual sports. On one hand, professional gaming requires many of the same skills as traditional sports: strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and teamwork.

While on the other hand, some argue that eSports don’t involve physical activity, so they can’t be considered real sports. So what do you think? Are eSports really sports? Let’s take a closer look at the evidence.

What are eSports?

First, let’s define eSports. eSports are competitive video games played by professional gamers in front of an audience. These games can be divided into a few categories: strategy games, first-person shooters, battle royale games, professional sports games, and MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas). The most popular eSports games are League of Legends, DOTA 2, CS: GO, Madden and Fortnite.

eSports Growing Popularity

The popularity of eSports is growing rapidly. In fact, the global audience for eSports is expected to reach a mind-blowing 532 million in the next couple of years. This is a steep rise from the 197 million people that watched eSports in 2019. These figures are a glowing testament to eSports’ popularity and the potential to grow even more in the future.

How are Sports Defined?

So, how do we define sports? Merriam-Webster defines a sport as “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” This definition seems to fit eSports perfectly. After all, professional gamers must have a high level of skill to compete professionally.

They must also be physically fit, as gaming for hours on end can be pretty tiring. In addition, eSports are often entertaining to watch, as they can be quite suspenseful.

Why eSports Are Real Sports

So are eSports real sports? There is no definitive answer to this question, as it is subjective. However, there is certainly enough evidence to suggest that professional gaming is a legitimate form of sport. They require many of the same skills as traditional sports. They are entertaining to watch, and their popularity is rapidly growing.

Here are ten reasons why eSports can be considered in part with their conventional counterparts:

1) Emotional Impact

eSports bring people from all corners of the globe together and create a sense of community. They also evoke the same emotions as physical sports. For example, when a team wins an important match, the crowd can be just as excited as they would be at a football game. In fact, some matches have even been known to cause riots!

2) Can Be Physically Demanding

Just because eSports don’t involve physical activity doesn’t mean they are not physically demanding. Professional gamers must spend hours each day practicing to maintain their skills. They also need to be in good physical condition, as gaming for long hours at a time can be mentally and physically exhausting. Many gaming tournaments also require players to compete in multiple matches over the course of a day, which can be very taxing.

3) Growing In Popularity

As mentioned earlier, the popularity of eSports is rapidly growing. This is evident by the increasing number of people watching these professional gaming matches. More and more colleges and universities are starting to offer scholarships for talented gamers. And finally, notable brands are beginning to invest in the sport, which shows that they believe in the potential of this industry.

4) Require a High Level of Skill

Players must master complex game mechanics and have excellent strategic thinking skills. They must also be able to adapt quickly to new situations and make quick decisions under pressure. Gamers must also be physically fit to compete for consecutive hours.

5) Lucrative Career Opportunities

Professional gamers can make a good living by competing in tournaments and streaming their games online. Major brands like Red Bull, Intel, Levis, Duracell, TD Bank, and Tencent are investing in gamers, leading to even more opportunities for professional gamers.

6) Promotes Teamwork & Collaboration

To be successful, gamers must work together as a team and communicate effectively with each other. This is often done through voice chat software like Teamspeak or Ventrilo. In addition, they can help people learn how to work together in a competitive environment.

7) eSports are Global

Just like traditional sports, eSports are global. They have fans worldwide and attract people from all different cultures. This is because people of all ages and genders enjoy video games.

8) Can Be Played By Anyone (Regardless of Age or Gender)

Playing video games has no physical limitations, making them accessible to everyone. There are also many types of video games, so everyone can find a game they enjoy.

9) Requires Discipline and Practice

Players must be willing to put in the hours of training necessary to improve their skills. They must also be able to focus for long periods and maintain a high concentration level. Gamers must also deal with failure and learn from their mistakes.

10) Connect With Friends and Family

Gamers can play video games together online or in person. It also provides a common interest that can help people bond and build relationships.


So, what do you think? Are eSports really sports? There is certainly enough evidence to suggest that they are, as they require many of the same skills as traditional sports.

They are entertaining to watch, and their popularity is rapidly growing. Whether or not you consider them sports is up to you, but there is no doubt that they are a phenomenon that is here to stay and only getting bigger in years to come.

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